I'm in need of some help with my external drivers.
I am using the ST-7128 stepper drivers from stepperonline. I just switched to Smoothie from RAMPS, and on RAMPS they worked quite nicely. On Smoothie they seem to be doing nothing.
So far I have tried wiring them in the two modes suggested by the wiki (common cathode and common anode). Neither of these seemed to work so I searched the internet for others with a similar problem. The main suggestion I found was changing the timing - so in the config file i changed microseconds_per_step_pulse from 1 to 10 and several higher values. Still no success.
Recently, for a project in a class, I had to wire this stepper driver up to a National Instruments Data Acquisition device (DAQ), and I had some trouble there too. with that I was using a 5V power supply that outputted 5.07 V. I was using the DAQ to control three transistors that would in turn control the inputs on the driver. I found that using 2n3904 transistors didn't work, but tip120 transistors did. This leads me to believe my problem lies in some quirk of electronics that I don't understand.
I'm open to any suggestion. Whatever gets my printer running again will satisfy me.